im drawing a complete blank
im watching sex and the city<33333333333
seriously, WHY do they always play the same episodes
it's so annoying
just play them in order, all of them
or maybe ive just seen them all
who knows
it's still awesome
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
i just don't even really know
life is good.
sometimes we all get so caught up in all the bad things in life, myself being no exception believe me.
but seriously though, it's not so bad.
Dip a toeeee in the positive patty pool!
i know im stressed lately, among other things. And i know everyone else is too.
but stop and smell the roses people
they're not so badddddddddd!
sometimes we all get so caught up in all the bad things in life, myself being no exception believe me.
but seriously though, it's not so bad.
Dip a toeeee in the positive patty pool!
i know im stressed lately, among other things. And i know everyone else is too.
but stop and smell the roses people
they're not so badddddddddd!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

OMG PENELOPE IS SUCH A HOE!!! She is literally the biggest attention whore i have ever met. She's rather large, but has the mindset that she is small. For instance, when youre simply trying to sit or lay on the couch and watch tv, she jumps on your lap with her front paws, and slowly makes her way ALL the way onto your lap. You way like 80 pounds you twat get off! Anyways. The other dog in the picture is Dakota my neighbors new huskey puppy she is so freaking adorable i can't handle it. She and penelope are BEST FRIENDS and love to play. Sometimes though penel gets bored and dakota jumps on her head etc. and penel simply stares at her like "i don't really know why you're being so annoying but i am NOT chasing you around right now." hahahah
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's all about things that people eat and love
but would NEVER admit to or serve to other people
Those with a sensitive gag reflex----stay clear.
It's all about things that people eat and love
but would NEVER admit to or serve to other people
Those with a sensitive gag reflex----stay clear.
people are stupid
so today at work
i answered the phone with the customary "Hi, Roma's"
the woman on the other line responds, without missing a beat, "Hi! Is this CVS?!?!?!"
"No...this is ROMA'S"
ugh. REALLY lady, i don't believe the word roma's sounds ANYTHING like cvs but i guess thats just me.
Another classic is when someone calls and asks me how many pieces of pizza are in a full sheet. I respond 24, and they proceed to ask me how many pieces are in a half sheet. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME LETS THINK ABOUT THIS...12 YOU MORON.
I guess a lot of people are retarded when they get a phone in their hands.
I literally could go on for days about the stupid things people do when they come to the bakery (true story) but i will spare the masses to this misery, as it puts me in a very irritable mood, and it tends to be contagious.
and im tired
oh oh oh!
i answered the phone with the customary "Hi, Roma's"
the woman on the other line responds, without missing a beat, "Hi! Is this CVS?!?!?!"
"No...this is ROMA'S"
ugh. REALLY lady, i don't believe the word roma's sounds ANYTHING like cvs but i guess thats just me.
Another classic is when someone calls and asks me how many pieces of pizza are in a full sheet. I respond 24, and they proceed to ask me how many pieces are in a half sheet. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME LETS THINK ABOUT THIS...12 YOU MORON.
I guess a lot of people are retarded when they get a phone in their hands.
I literally could go on for days about the stupid things people do when they come to the bakery (true story) but i will spare the masses to this misery, as it puts me in a very irritable mood, and it tends to be contagious.
and im tired
oh oh oh!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
yesterday, one of my friends who happens to attend maine endwell
mused about her chances of "getting shot" at the snoop dog concert if she had been going.
It was at that moment that i realized how sheltered people really are. I was completey shocked but laughed really hard. I mean....are you aware that we like in endicott? this isn't exactly inner city new york. She then went on to tell me, as i was laughing and telling her my thoughts on the matter, that her school has "about 10 black people in it" and few other ethnicities besides white kids. I really was blown away. I mean, ARE YOU KIDDING. It was funny, but good god, i live literally 2 minutes away from that school, and it's like the people who go there have a completely different mind set that i do. Ugh. I'm so glad I don't go there i love the diversity. She's by no means racist in the least, just extremely sheltered when it comes to things like this. But anyways, it was funny, if not mildly ridiculous. I hope i didn't offend anyone with this
but i don't really care if i did
because if you know me
well then you know that i meant no harm
mused about her chances of "getting shot" at the snoop dog concert if she had been going.
It was at that moment that i realized how sheltered people really are. I was completey shocked but laughed really hard. I mean....are you aware that we like in endicott? this isn't exactly inner city new york. She then went on to tell me, as i was laughing and telling her my thoughts on the matter, that her school has "about 10 black people in it" and few other ethnicities besides white kids. I really was blown away. I mean, ARE YOU KIDDING. It was funny, but good god, i live literally 2 minutes away from that school, and it's like the people who go there have a completely different mind set that i do. Ugh. I'm so glad I don't go there i love the diversity. She's by no means racist in the least, just extremely sheltered when it comes to things like this. But anyways, it was funny, if not mildly ridiculous. I hope i didn't offend anyone with this
but i don't really care if i did
because if you know me
well then you know that i meant no harm
Friday, February 22, 2008
it's funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
you can go weeks or months without talking to an old friend, or a relative, go through huge changes in your life, but as soon as you see someone or talk to them, it's like everything goes back to normal without missing a beat. I can go a straight year without talking to my cousin, who lives in a California, but as soon as we see each other, it's like i just left yesterday and we're best friend's again. It's nice to know that the connections you make with people, even when you're young can really last. Wow now im just getting sentimental and weird and i have to go to work SWEEEEEEET
(not really it's a huge downgrade)
you can go weeks or months without talking to an old friend, or a relative, go through huge changes in your life, but as soon as you see someone or talk to them, it's like everything goes back to normal without missing a beat. I can go a straight year without talking to my cousin, who lives in a California, but as soon as we see each other, it's like i just left yesterday and we're best friend's again. It's nice to know that the connections you make with people, even when you're young can really last. Wow now im just getting sentimental and weird and i have to go to work SWEEEEEEET
(not really it's a huge downgrade)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
so today i went on a road trippppppppp with JOOLIA
the day started off with her getting angry because i woke up..ehm...and hour late
haha whatever she was over it
thennn we went to cortland which was all fine until we got off the cortland exit and my boyfriend decided he was not going to give us legit directions to his apartment...THANKS DAN!!!!!!!!
it was kind of a boring day
but let me just say i am so glad i don't live with a bunch of college boys
they are disgusting.
and now i am extremely tired
and bored
the day started off with her getting angry because i woke up..ehm...and hour late
haha whatever she was over it
thennn we went to cortland which was all fine until we got off the cortland exit and my boyfriend decided he was not going to give us legit directions to his apartment...THANKS DAN!!!!!!!!
it was kind of a boring day
but let me just say i am so glad i don't live with a bunch of college boys
they are disgusting.
and now i am extremely tired
and bored
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
dream job
i must say that my absolute dream job would be editor in chief at a fashion magazine
I would get to live in a city like new york
have a fabulous wardrobe
get to design, write in, and make all the decisions about how the magazine is put together...all the things i love to do.
You also get to meet lots of cool people
and also
i would run shit
I would get to live in a city like new york
have a fabulous wardrobe
get to design, write in, and make all the decisions about how the magazine is put together...all the things i love to do.
You also get to meet lots of cool people
and also
i would run shit
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
lewis black<33333
okay, for everyone who doesn't know about lewis black
i feel very sorry for you.
He is quite possibly the funniest man alive.
I highly recommend The White Album
it's a fan favorite.
I really could go on and on...and quote him until i die...however for those of you who have listened to his comedy, that just would not be too appropriate due to his cursing issue
anyways, i will leave you with some words of wisdom from hayley via my facebook.
"dear lewis black,
if you weren't fat, 56, and an alcoholic, i'd totally have sex with you.
sincerely, hayley"
i feel very sorry for you.
He is quite possibly the funniest man alive.
I highly recommend The White Album
it's a fan favorite.
I really could go on and on...and quote him until i die...however for those of you who have listened to his comedy, that just would not be too appropriate due to his cursing issue
anyways, i will leave you with some words of wisdom from hayley via my facebook.
"dear lewis black,
if you weren't fat, 56, and an alcoholic, i'd totally have sex with you.
sincerely, hayley"
Monday, February 18, 2008
okay people
if you have something to say, such as a strong political stament or something of that nature,
please don't make yourself look like an idiot by saying "I HATE ______" and leaving it at that.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you completely lose your clout when you have no legitimate argument to back it up. So from here on out, lets all be informed complainers! Thanksss
if you have something to say, such as a strong political stament or something of that nature,
please don't make yourself look like an idiot by saying "I HATE ______" and leaving it at that.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you completely lose your clout when you have no legitimate argument to back it up. So from here on out, lets all be informed complainers! Thanksss
Sunday, February 17, 2008
okay so i have unfortunately been neglecting my blog
but i didn't mean to really i swear
unfortunately for the past couple nights i have been slaving at work and coming home and falling asleep immediately.
so friday i went to school, went to work, came home, listened to julia bitch about me not taking a shower fast enough, and ultimately passed out.
saturday, i slept until 1, went to target (<3), ate lupo's, went on a WILD adventure with joolia that entailed getting AP's at J&R's, hitting up taco bell, storming barnes and noble, and watching superbad. WE ARE SO COOL I life is so exciting.
todayy...I woke up eventually, layed around, and went to work yet again. now im just bored...and smell like pizza. ewww!
but i didn't mean to really i swear
unfortunately for the past couple nights i have been slaving at work and coming home and falling asleep immediately.
so friday i went to school, went to work, came home, listened to julia bitch about me not taking a shower fast enough, and ultimately passed out.
saturday, i slept until 1, went to target (<3), ate lupo's, went on a WILD adventure with joolia that entailed getting AP's at J&R's, hitting up taco bell, storming barnes and noble, and watching superbad. WE ARE SO COOL I life is so exciting.
todayy...I woke up eventually, layed around, and went to work yet again. now im just bored...and smell like pizza. ewww!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
v v v v v v v v v v v v
All thoughts and considerations go to Hayley Chechatka for this video...seeing as she is the one who found this delicious little treat, and i will forever bow at her feet for giving me this kind of joy
According to my mama...i'm going STRAIGHT to hell!!!!!!
According to my mama...i'm going STRAIGHT to hell!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

ahhh today was delicious.
who doesn't love a snowday??
Plus, I have had the combo of only going to 4 classes yesterday, a study hall, and then leaving at lunch with absolutely no plans of returning. wooooo! After being rudely awoken this morning at 8:45 by a phone call from russian, (thanks you selfish child) i went back to sleep for hours, woke up (sort of) and layed in bed for another few hours reading. I finally went downstairs, to the shock that GARY who is my friends dad was downstairs with my mom making remodeling plans for our living room. Now clearly, I was in absolutely no state to be seen by the general public...but whatever. Regardless, I didn't let it get me down, and I made a DANK breakfast, and then was lazy alllllll day. Oh and then went to liza's to eat SOY SAUCE CHICKEN and then made tiramisu for my italian class. All and all, I must say my day was a great success. (:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I think the education system is getting to regulated. I completely understand that certain rules and such and necessary, but honestly it seems like every year there are new ridiculous rules and procedures. There's a fine line between school and jail. If we're supposed to be getting prepared for college and the real world, we need to be given the respect and responsibility that requires.
Monday, February 11, 2008
It is a well knows fact that I am just not a morning person. If you don't believe me, ask my mom, she would be more than happy to enlighten any of you people on the subject. Anyways, this morning, I was particularly tired and was in no mood to get out of bed, let alone make myself presentable for school. After finally rolling out of my lair, I was getting ready to leave, walked outside, momentarily stopped breathing due to the FREEZING cold (thanks mother nature you whore), and came to realize that for the 264th time, my locks were frozen on sammy (my car, sammy the stratus). AHHHHHHHH. Seriously sammy I just don't understand. I show nothing but love to you, and this is how you repay me. It took some serious wrestling and fondling with the locks on my doors and the key, but i FINALLY got them unlocked. Now sammy, I am just not sure how much longer our relationship can go on like this. Enough is enough. I even gave you a full tank of gas the other day....
Where's the love?
Where's the love?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
okayyyyy, first off, I am probably the biggest procrastinator ever, and that is not a joke. Right now im supposed to be writing an essay for AP Euro, but i decided that it was a wayyy better idea to do this instead....I wonder how Mr. Friend would feel about that? I'm sure he would have some choice verbs directed at me about the matter. I don't know how well i will complete my blogging experience, I don't really think that my thoughts will be all that interesting, I certainly don't spend my free time looking at strangers blogs and skimming their innermost thoughts and such....but whatever!!!!!!!! ADIOS.
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